Bill Counsil, a liver transplant recipient, stands proudly in the center of the Central Mountain High School gym in Mill Hall, Pa. on October 13, 2104. Counsil was diagnosed with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, an autoimmune liver disease that causes blockages to the bile ducts, in early 2007. In 2010, his niece, Karen MacKay, donated 60% of her liver to him at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Since his transplant, Counsil has resumed his position as assistant coach of the varsity girls volleyball team at Central Mountain High School as well as volunteering for The Gift of Life Program where he speaks to local high schools and hospitals about the importance of organ donation. Counsil describes himself as forever grateful to MacKay for her strength and courage that has afforded him a second chance at life.
Head coach Megan Coleman and assistant coach Bill Counsil discuss plays before the varsity girls volleyball game in the gym of Central Mountain High School on October 13, 2014 in Mill Hall, Pa. Coleman, an alumni of Central Mountain High School, was coached by Counsil just as his disease began to show physical symptoms. "I remember him wearing a mask and gloves to practice and always using Purell," she said. Once Counsil's disease began too hard to handle, Coleman returned to take Counsil's coaching position.
Bob Dwyer, left, laughs at a joke made by Bill Counsil in the gym of Central Mountain High School on October 13, 2014 in Mill Hall, Pa. Dwyer, Counsil's neighbor and lifelong friend, said it has been amazing to be apart of Counsil's recovery and see how powerful the act of organ donation is.
Bill Counsil, assistant coach of the varsity girls volleyball team, takes a moment to focus before the start of the game in the gym of Central Mountain High School in Mill Hall, Pa. on October 13, 2014. One of Counsil's many passions is coaching volleyball and has used his transplant as an outlet to educate the team on the importance of organ donation as well as dedicating one match per year to organ donation awareness.
Bill Counsil gives a play-by-play of the girls volleyball game during halftime to his wife, Laurie Counsil and his mother, Alma Jane Counsil, in the gym of Central Mountain High School in Mill Hall, Pa. on October 13, 2014. Though she often cannot attend his matches, his wife Laurie, said she tries her hardest to make it to as many as she can because she knows how much he loves the sport. "It was the first thing he wanted to get back to once he was well enough," she said.
Highlighters and bracelets are distributed by Donate Life volunteer Bill Counsil at his presentation held at Bellefonte High School in Bellefonte, Pa. on October 15, 2013.
Bill Counsil gives a presentation about organ donation to a driver's education class at Bellefonte High School in Bellefonte Pa. on October 15, 2013. Since receiving a liver transplant, Counsil has become an active member of The Gift of Life Program, traveling around the central Pennsylvania area to spread education and awareness about the importance of organ donation.
Bill Counsil takes a multitude of pills on a daily basis in order to keep his post-transplant body healthy. Counsil keeps track of his supplements in the kitchen of his home in Mill Hall, Pa. on November 18, 2014.
Bill Counsil holds the pendant to a necklace given to him by Donate Life after he received a life saving liver transplant, in the kitchen of his home in Mill Hall, Pa. on November 18, 2014. Counsil described himself as "spread too thin" because since his transplant he has pursued many of his lifelong passions, from hosting concerts to hunting with his friends, leaving him little time to relax.
Bill Counsil looks longingly at his wife of 41 years, Laurie Counsil in the living room of their home in Mill Hall, Pa., on November 18, 2014. Having grown up next door to one another, the Counsils' have known each other since they were five years old. "The one word I'd use to describe how I feel about this entire experience is just truly 'amazing,'" said Laurie.